James Webb Telescope Mission

Check out the Webb Telescope for resources about the mission and for ideas to implement in classrooms! https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/fb5ba0f356bf4de3a89a5d75f0b555cd
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James Webb Space Telescope

Join NASA, CSA and ESA for the launch and deployment of the largest telescope ever, the James Webb Space Telescope! Webb will investigate the...

Geo Maker Institute Update

We are so excited to have completed our first two training cohorts for educators in the Four Corners Region, thanks to our grant from...
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Geo Maker Institute Registration Open

Join us for the Geo Maker Institute. Registration open now!  www.GeoMakerInstitute>com 
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GIS Day 2020 – November 18th!

There are so many ways that Geographic Information Systems (GIS) touches our lives.  Join the GeoTech Center on Wednesday, November 18th, to learn more...
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STEM is My Future received a National Geographic Society Grant!!!

STEMisMyFuture is so excited to announce that we have received funding from National Geographic Society to establish the Geo Maker Institute at the Grand...
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STEM is My Future LOGO!

So excited to share the logo for STEM is My Future! See if you can find the 3 hidden pictures!
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Send your name to Mars!

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Martian Landing! Oh Yea!

A Great landing of the InSight Landing on Mars!  Check out this fun footage!
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Great Energy Expo!

So proud of the hardwork that went into the 2018 Energy Expo!  The energy houses were spectacular, the instruments were incredible and your public...


Waves! Where are they, what are they? We’re checking them out...


Energy!?!?!? So if you’ve ever thought about why your cell phone...