So last week students took part in the Great Energy Debate! For this activity, students were divided into several energy resources found within our world including non renewable energy resources including: Petroleum, natural gas, uranium, propane and coal, and renewable energy resources including: hydropower, geothermal, solar , wind and biomass. Students had time to prepare their cases for their energy resources and against other energy resources. Groups of resources were then able to “debate” against other resources why their resource was a stronger energy source than others! Though the debate got quite heated at times, students should have taken with them two ideas: first, that there are advantages and disadvantages for all types of energy resources; and second, that energy is a topic that is debated wildly around our worlds between countries, among government officials, as well as in science classrooms and that there is not one winning resource that is ultimately better than another! I want to thank those students who really debated from their guts. . . those are the types of conversations that you could be having someday with officials from other countries! 🙂 A job well done to all classes!!! You showed great sportspersonship and teamwork!!!